
Quick and Dirty Data Management: 5 things everyone needs to be doing now

Do you have data? (Who doesn't?!) Start the year off right with five basic things you can do now to manage your data for future happiness. These tools and techniques support practical data management and you can start using them immediately. Work with your personal data or research data, but start working now to ensure […]

CCB Seminar: Unraveling Immunogenomic Diversity in Single-Cell Data

Title: CCB Seminar Series Speaker: Katharina Imkeller, PhD, Group leader Computational Immunology, University Hospital Frankfurt, Germany Topic: Unraveling Immunogenomic Diversity in Single-Cell Data When: Monday, Jan 23 @ 10:00 – 11:00 AM Eastern Time (United States and Canada)

NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy: What, Why, and What’s Next

So, you want to write an NIH grant and need to know more about their new policy on Data Management & Sharing Plans? This session will highlight its key elements and changes, give an overview of the background and rationale of the new policy, and help you lay out a path for successfully meeting its […]

CCB Seminar: Interactive, web-based visualization of high-resolution multiplexed bioimaging data

Title: CCB Seminar Series Speaker:  Trevor Manz, PhD Candidate & NSF Research Fellow, DBMI HMS  Topic: Interactive, web-based visualization of high-resolution multiplexed bioimaging data Abstract:  Although the rapid innovation of biological imaging brings significant scientific value, the proliferation of technologies without unification of interoperable standards has created challenges that limit the analysis and sharing of results. […]