R Programming Skills for Health Care Policy

Work Group

Project Lead(s)

Project Status


Project Deliverables

R Bootcamp for HCP research staff, trainees, and faculty


  • Matt Cioffi

HMS Department

Health Care Policy

Project Description

Most Health Care Policy (HCP) research staff, trainees, and faculty primarily use SAS or STATA for their data analysis and have minimal experience using R. CCB designed an intro to R bootcamp focused on skills needed for analyzing healthcare, claims, and survey data. This involved designing training materials and teaching the bootcamp. HCP now has access to the instructional materials so that they can arrange subsequent bootcamps within their department as needed.

While CCB have expertise in R programming, Matt Cioffi and the HCP faculty are the experts in the particular skills their research staff and trainees need to perform their research most effectively. Thus, CCB collaborated with Matt and other interested HCP faculty to determine which parts of R programming would be most valuable to their staff and trainees. As a part of this, CCB developed motivating examples to use in the instructional materials for the bootcamp.